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Published: Mar 31, 2023
Updated: Mar 31, 2023


One-stop solution for toxic waste

Trans Thane Creek Waste Management Association’s hazardous waste treatment storage facility, located at P-128, Mhape, is a one-stop solution for industrial toxic waste liabilities.

The Thane Belapur Industrial Belt is one of the biggest industrial zones in the country. TTC-WMA has, by setting up this facility, set a stellar example for other such clusters. According to TTC-WMA Chairman Mr. S. Ramachandran Iyer, “Our Thane Belapur Industries Association which manages this industrial zone believes that this WMA is a social responsibility to keep the trans-Thane creek industrial area free of hazardous waste.”

According to Mr Iyer, TTC-WMA caters to the regulatory compliances of member-industries by providing services like analysis of environmental matrices like air, water and soil, and disposal of toxic, hazardous waste. He adds, “At TTC-WMA, we do the instrumental, chemical and microbiological analysis in the field of environment (solid and hazardous waste, waste water and air quality check). We also provide analytical support for fine chemicals, perfumes, polymers, waste oil and petroleum products.”

If anyone is looking for quality and timely analytical services under one roof, TTC-WMA can undertake the job. It also provides the following services:

  • Industrial hazardous waste characterization, transportation as per rules, treatment and disposal
  • E-waste collection and reverse supply chain management
  • Pre-processing and alternative fuel development from hazardous waste
  • Awareness programmes on Ewaste and hazardous waste
  • Certificate of destruction and disposal
  • Confidential data wiping and destruction
  • Complete recovery and refining of gold, silver and platinum group precious metals
  • Base metal recovery (copper and tin) from E-waste and waste printed circuit boards
  • Recovery of precious metals from spent catalysts and wastes


TTC-WMA has developed a well-equipped laboratory with an investment of Rs 15 million, which is accredited by ISO 17025 for chemical and microbiological testing services. The company is in the process of MoEF certification of the laboratory which provides analytical solutions to industries.

A significant fact about TTC-WMA is that its activities are not restricted to segregation of hazardous waste, recycling and disposal. It goes a step further. With the help of its testing facility, it does analysis on a wide range of materials, products, product lines, prototype creation and services. It aims at ‘Reduce, Recycle and Recovery’ of resources from waste.

The association also provides guidance to industries like chemicals, petrochemicals, engineering, fertilizer, cement plating, polymer, dyestuff, etc. It assists these industries in product development and quality assurance and also extends its help to research organizations and research students. With a view to extending the scope of research, the association has procured sophisticated equipment like GS-Ms, ICP OES.

TTC-WMA has a membership of around 1,800 industries who make capital contributions for the implementation of projects. The surplus generated by the association is utilized for creating additional facilities for waste disposal and other environmental-related solutions.

Referring to future plans of TTC-WMA, Mr Iyer says that “by now the association has more than two decades of experience in handling different types of hazardous waste.”


The CETP of the Thane Belapur Association has put up a solar and wind (hybrid) energy system (renewable energy system) in its premises at P-60, to initially cater to the requirements of its administrative functions. It has also taken up projects for water- efficient landscaping, energy-efficient lighting, etc.

As part of the beautification drive and to make the TTC industrial area green, clean and pollution-free, every year TTC-WMA, in co-ordination with Thane Belapur Industrial Association, MPCB and MIDC, conducts a tree plantation drive and ecoGanesha promotional activities within the CETP premises and in the industrial area. The association has also started awareness programmes like ‘phasing out single-use plastics’. CETP directors, staff, workers, officials from monitoring authorities, industry representatives, school/college students collectively plant trees in order to increase awareness among the public at large.

Asserting that “by establishing this CETP in the TTC industrial area, we have succeeded in controlling the pollution level, providing a clean and green environment, and reducing health hazards in the area,” Mr Iyer adds, “This successful exercise has not only helped the public at large but also improved productivity of the industries in the TTC area. We take serious efforts to ensure strict compliance of directions/guidelines issued by government bodies and serve as a link between industrial growth and a cleaner environment in the area.”

According to Mr Iyer, the CETP has been functioning successfully in terms of uninterrupted operations (24x7, 365 days), meeting all the prescribed discharge norms. While its day-to-day operations are taken care by qualified and experienced staff, the overall management is handled by the board of directors comprising representatives from user industries (SSI/MSI/LSI) who provide technical and managerial expertise on an honorary basis, ensuring that the CETP is managed in a professional manner. The board of the CETP has the best technocrats, engineers and professionals, while there are sub-committees to handle technical, financial and administrative issues. “The talents and capabilities of these professionals are utilised for the continued efficient functioning of the plant,” notes Mr Iyer.

February 15, 2025 - First Issue

Industry Review

VOL XVI - 10
February 01-15, 2025

Formerly Fortune India Managing Editor Deven Malkan Assistant Editor A.K. Batha President Bhupendra Shah Circulation Executive Warren Sequeira Art Director Prakash S. Acharekar Graphic Designer Madhukar Thakur Investment Analysis CI Research Bureau Anvicon Research DD Research Bureau Manager (Special Projects) Bhagwan Bhosale Editorial Associates New Delhi Ranjana Arora Bureau Chief Kolkata Anirbahn Chawdhory Gujarat Pranav Brahmbhatt Bureau Cheif Mobile: 098251-49108 Bangalore Jaya Padmanabhan Bureau Chief Chennai S Gururajan Bureau Chief (Tamil Nadu) Ludhiana Ajitkumar Vijh Bhubaneshwar Braja Bandhu Behera

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