
Published: Feb 10, 2023
Updated: Feb 10, 2023

12,000 Dead and Rising: Monday's Devastating Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria Leave Trail of Destruction

The recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria have claimed more than 12,000 lives, with thousands still missing and the chances of finding survivors rapidly decreasing. The cold weather conditions are only exacerbating the situation, as the survival rate without food or water drops drastically after 72 hours.

International Aid Arrives

Rescue teams and volunteers from over 65 countries have arrived in the earthquake zones to offer their assistance. A team of 83 rescuers from China arrived in Adana, southern Turkey, along with 20 metric tons of disaster relief materials and equipment. The team also brought along four rescue dogs to help with the search and rescue operations.

Volunteers from all over Turkey have flocked to the affected areas to offer their help. Kerem Okyay, a businessman from Sivas, told Xinhua that he and some friends formed a team and rushed to Elbistan as soon as they heard the news of the earthquake. The team saved two people from the rubble soon after their arrival.

In the heavily damaged city of Kahramanmaras, sniffer dogs equipped with GPS-enabled harnesses are leading the rescuers in the search for survivors. As the rescue operations continue, more countries have committed to providing assistance, including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and Sudan.

Economy Worsens

The earthquakes have not only claimed lives but also have a devastating impact on the economies of Turkey and Syria. The destruction of infrastructure and buildings will result in a significant loss of income and employment opportunities for the affected regions.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has admitted that there were some problems in the first-day response to the earthquakes but operations are now back to normal. The President has announced that each affected family will receive 10,000 Turkish liras and new homes will be built in the 10 provinces affected by the disaster within a year.

In the face of this catastrophic disaster, the international community has come together to offer their support and aid to the affected countries. The rescue operations continue as the search for survivors continues. The impact of these earthquakes will be felt for a long time to come, both in terms of both human suffering and economic loss.

Significant loss of life and property

The earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria this week have resulted in a significant loss of life and property, and the impact of these disasters will be felt for a long time to come. The international community must continue to support the affected countries in their relief efforts and rebuilding process to help mitigate the long-term impacts of these earthquakes.

February 15, 2025 - First Issue

Industry Review

VOL XVI - 10
February 01-15, 2025

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