
Published: Jan 11, 2023
Updated: Jan 11, 2023

India's Wheat Production Set to Reach Record Highs as High Prices and Favorable Weather Conditions Drive Growth

India's wheat production is set to reach record highs this year, as high prices have prompted farmers to expand planting areas and opt for high-yielding varieties, according to news agency Reuters. Scientists and traders have also attributed the large-scale production to good weather conditions. As the world's second-largest wheat producer, India may consider lifting its ban on exports of the staple crop to help ease concerns over persistently high inflation in food prices.

Record Wheat Production:

Gyanendra Singh, Director at the Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research, has stated that "this year production could rise to 112 million tonnes because of the higher area and favourable weather." This would be a significant increase from last year's output of 106.84 million tonnes, which fell from the previous year's 109.59 million tonnes, according to the Central government.

Impact of High Prices:

The all-time high prices of wheat have motivated farmers to expand planting areas and opt for high-yielding varieties. This has led to an increase in wheat sowing area to 33.22 million hectares, a 1% increase from the previous year, according to Reuters.

Severe Cold Wave in North India:

The weather in key wheat-producing states such as Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, and Haryana has been favorable this year, with temperatures hovering below normal levels. This has led to a "current cold wave that is good for the crop's growth" and farmers have also "opted for newer high-yielding varieties which are more resilient to climate change".

With increased production, ban on export may be lifted:

India banned exports of the staple crop in May of last year, due to a sharp and sudden rise in temperatures that clipped output, even as exports picked up to meet the global shortfall triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine. However, with the increased output this year, the ban on exports may be lifted, helping to ease concerns over persistently high inflation in food prices.

May help batter inflation

India's wheat production is set to reach record highs this year, driven by high prices, favorable weather conditions, and the hard work and dedication of farmers. Despite last year's ban on exports due to a decrease in output, the increased production this year may lead to the lifting of the ban, helping to ease concerns over persistently high inflation in food prices.

As the world's second-largest wheat producer, this is a significant development that will have a positive impact on both domestic and global wheat markets.

February 15, 2025 - First Issue

Industry Review

VOL XVI - 10
February 01-15, 2025

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